Every time I read what you share it feels like my soul takes a breath... Is that a sigh? I don't know. Thank you! This piece feels sacred for me for a few reasons

- it finds me at a point of tension and confusion and it felt like the resting place I needed

- my youngest nibling has always hummed, seemingly involuntarily, mainly as she eats. And while other folks find it bothersome or confusing, I adore this trait she has... It feels like your offering honors her... And in doing so the parts of us humans that are misunderstood and then feared/ mocked/ pushed away

- it helped me recognize that as I've been sharing more of my writing and myself I'm sometimes doing it with punching words that I'm hoping send out huge blasts of fire (think Zuko from early ATLAB -original series, animated)... Fueled by emotions I'm not acknowledging, trying to burn everything while pricing my worth. I'm not hoping my readers find gentle places to land, rest, and breathe... I've been trying to shake/ slap them awake - it is violent...I am not good at violence... And maybe that's some of the tension I've been feeling within...

I could go on... But really I just want you to know the profound depths of my gratitude at your share... As soon as I have more than $1.57 in my account😁😬, I'll be subscribing... And until then and beyond, I'll be calling to the helpful, guiding forces that be to support your endeavors. And I'll call to the forces that attempt to block our paths and demand they make themselves known.

ASÉ. May it be so.

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Talking about the visceral experience of the hum in the body has reminded me of the vocal therapy I had to go through a few years ago after my vocal cords got damaged. So many of the therapeutic exercises I had to do involved all sorts of weird ways of humming: with my tongue out, into a straw set in water, pitching up and down, over and over. All off this literally rebuilt my ability to speak and be heard, and I am forever grateful to the people who helped me reclaim my voice by teaching me to hum.

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Apr 17Liked by Rose J. Percy

I got caught humming yesterday (had no idea they could hear me 😂), and I guess I’m now a writer who hums too. Always proud to be in the same company as you no matter how it happens!

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Apr 17Liked by Rose J. Percy

I cannot sing well, but I can hum a tune especially on nights when I rock my son to sleep. I hum and mmmm a lot when people talk. Some people find it annoying, and others say they love it because it makes them feel seen. Grateful for these words this morning.

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Came here to post something more substantial but again I can't. I'm just crying reading. That's going to be it for me. I needed this.

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Apr 19Liked by Rose J. Percy

Your writing feels like the hum of an om. It ushers you into a present stillness that you want to remain in after you finish reading and return to the room. Sending care and positivity for your time away!

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The photo of the hummingbird is very nice

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Apr 17Liked by Rose J. Percy

This was a lovely reminder. I'm not a hummer but my mother-in-law is and it's so sweet.

For me, her hums feels the space with a softness words would have a hard time replicating.

Thank you for the affirmation and inclusion as well 🙏🏽

I hope your rest is restful and exactly what you need.

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Too marvelous for words--Nat King Cole's version is one of my all-time favorite songs.

I love the concept of humming in the spaces where you someday want to have a voice.

My grandmother hummed. All the time. She had lived a very hard life and beyond the barest basics, wouldn't tell her stories to anyone. She took her secrets to the grave. But she hummed--like it was a release valve.

I am working on a novel based on her life--which of course I don't know much about, so I have to use my imagination. The first draft is missing something, though, and I haven't been able to pinpoint what is missing. The hum. I had forgotten the hum. Thank you for the reminder--and for giving me the insight of how significant the hum may be. It's going into the book. 💜

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Apr 17Liked by Rose J. Percy

I honor this season you're in and look forward to supporting your future endeavors. 🙏

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