Rose, I haven't told you all the ways that you show up in the world have ushered in liberating, life-giving, bolstering ways of being for me. One day, in person over a delicious beverage and surrounded by plants, I will tell you and I won't hold back. You will get your flowers from me in this lifetime, and I hope you get them regularly from every person you've tended to unto their blooming.

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I love this. I hope one of your many books is a book about your writing praxis.

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Jan 29Liked by Rose J. Percy

Just discovered your work via Alex's favorites list for the week. Your words feel warm, embracing, deeply considerate. My husband and I read Clifton's Blessing the Boats to each other when we wed..

"may the tide

that is entering even now

the lip of our understanding

carry you out

beyond the face of fear

may you kiss

the wind then turn from it

certain that it will

love your back..."

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And the Haitian quote takes me right back to my mother’s arms.

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I also have a Haitian mother who took (and still takes) great pride in her children’s appearance. Vaseline and cocoa butter on deck. Beyond that, another way I felt “well kept” was through a reminder my dad would say to us everyday: “represent.” As in, represent our family and name well. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve also come to understand it as a reminder that I am also represented - by my family’s love and devotion.

Thank you for sharing and for opening your paywall 🙏🏾

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Rose, I see so many of my truths about why I write and who I write to/for in your words. I'm so happy to have found so many heart-centered writers in this space, especially ones who look like me and share some life experiences. Thank you!

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I love your writing and the concept that we can be reservoirs for care. Also, as someone in month two of learning Kreyòl I tried my darndest to figure out what you wrote and only get through the first three words 😂. Thank you for sharing.

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Wow wow wow, I found someone special here. Thank you for the reminder of the metrics that truly count.

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These words, so soft. Thank you ❤️

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I think it was Sharifa who told me I needed to read your writing and she was right. You are tremendously gifted with words. If/when you are ready to explore the traditional publishing route, I'd love to chat with you about it.

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